NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED - If you would like a signature on delivery method please use the "Add Delivery Instructions" option below during checkout to request Signature On Delivery.
**NOTE: Excludes Bulky and/or Heavy Weight Items, and to Remote Areas such as WA (except Perth Suburbs & Surrounds), Non-Metro NSW, West and Northern Queensland, and Northern Territory. A Freight Surcharge may apply
Depending on the size of your order, please allow up to 2 business hours to finalising picking your order. In many cases your order can be finalised and made ready for collection on the spot or with a delay of 15 to 20 minutes which is completely dependent on our business levels at the time.
Our warehouse is open from 9am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday. Feel free to call 1800 680 680 to check on your order status, otherwise you will receive an email and/or SMS when ready to collect.